Inspired by the structure of International Egg Commission (IEC), YÜSAD was founded in Ankara, on January 16th, 2020, to increase the global competitiveness of Turkish egg industry and ensure its sustainability, with a participatory, transparent, accountable, responsive understanding that embraces all stakeholders and adopts principles of good governance.
It aims to contribute sustainable benefits to the Republic of Turkey, its economy and egg industry with the utmost importance that it places on food safety and reliability, by gathering egg producers (hen, quail, and other poultry eggs), breeders, processors of both pasteurized liquid eggs and further processed egg products, egg industry suppliers, academicians contributing to egg industry and all egg consumers.
YUSAD will dedicate all its efforts to shape the future of the egg industry with a shared wisdom and to ensure its sustainability, by closely following the global developments in the egg industry; and will work for the benefit of our country and industry in coordination and solidarity with governmental and civil organizations.